Sunday, July 26, 2020

How to Use Your Interview to Check Out the Companys Culture - Workology

How to Use Your Interview to Check Out the Companys Culture - Workology When talking to a prospective employer, youíre obviously thinking about how the jobís pay and benefits align with your skills and experience. But at the same time, you should be considering how well youíll fit into the companyís culture. After all, youíre going to spend an awful lot of time at work, and whether the environment matches your approach and personality will have a lot to do with whether you succeed ó or donít. The interview offers a prime opportunity to get a sense of the employerís culture. Itís simply a question of paying attention to your surroundings and how people treat you, and each other, during your visit. Here are some things to look for. Saying Hello They say first impressions count. When you entered the office, how were you treated? If there wasnt a receptionist, did you stand around for a while before anyone noticed you, or did someone greet you and offer you a chair and a cup of coffee? Were they friendly while they did it, or did you feel like a distraction? How people respond to visitors provides a good indication of whether the companys looking to build a team or simply get a body in the door. Whats the Buzz? As youre walking through the office, pay attention to the noise level. Its always interesting to notice whether people are talking to their co-workers or are simply intent on their screens. If theyre conferring at a desk, in the hallway or in a conference room, observe their body language and energy level. Youll be able to tell if people are engaged in their conversations and relaxed in their interactions. The question to ask yourself: Is this the kind of environment I want to work in? The Break Room If youíre offered coffee or water, take the opportunity to check out whatís going on in the break room. If people there are formal and dont talk very much with their co-workers, that hints at a culture where relationships arenít very important. Or, workers may feel they dont have even a minute to spend away from their desks. Take note of the layout, too. A room without tables hints at a company thats more interested in having you stay at your desk than get your breath occasionally. Tables, sofas, easy chairs and television indicate the firm recognizes that people need to clear their heads every once in a while, and that socializing with your co-workers can be a good thing. Cube Sweet Cube Engaged people nest. If every cubicle has bare walls and desks empty of family pictures, thats a sign people come to this office because they have too, not because they want to. When people take the time to personalize their workspace, it means theyre vested in being there. Look and Listen You can tell a lot about a companys culture by observing how people interact with their co-workers. Every time youre introduced to someone, take note of whether theyre cordial or formal, whether theyre relaxed or seem to be on stage while theyre talking to you or their colleagues. Easy conversation is a good sign that people work well together. Ask Questions Finally, donít be afraid to ask questions about the workplace and the culture. Inquiring about what type of culture the company tries to maintain, whether a workplace is always so quiet (or raucous), and what managers do to foster a commitment to the corporate mission can help you get a sense of what itís like to work at a place day-to-day. Interviewing is a two-way street: Itís as much about you checking out the employer as it is the employer sizing up you. Use your time visiting the company to get a sense of what the workplace is really like. The job might feel like a perfect fit, but itís tough to perform in an environment that doesnít match your personality. Mark Feffer has written, edited and produced hundreds of articles on careers, personal finance and technology. His work has appeared on, as well as on other top sites. He is currently writing for, the top local resource for job seekers, employers and recruiters in Vermont.

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